Designing in Photoshop is an image editing software that can be used to renovate an image and painting to add and manage color in the graphic image. Photoshop comes with a comprehensive software range of functions enabling users to select, drawing, design image, and image editing. Among the tools available in Adobe Photoshop is like 'multiple undo, color management, layer management,' custom shape tool 'and many more.
1. The functions of Photoshop
Photoshop Toolbox
Toolbox provided for selecting various functions such as extinguishers, tools 'cropping image', Blur tool, tool sharpening, tool torch, igniter, creating colors, make a mask, write, shape, and coloring. These amenities coupled with the 'Brushes' tool for brushing and 'palettes', which means to detect and change the image digitally.
This facility has made Photoshop layers as a powerful software versus software-software that other image editor. Think of layers as sheets that overlap each other. If there were any images on the top layer, you can flip the layer below it. At the very bottom is a layer for the background image or 'background'. 'Background' layer is protected where 'filter' and 'effects' can not be used at this layer. In layers also had 'Indicates layer visibility' which is to eliminate the layers of an image on it.
History is a board that contains the last 20 changes happened in your image. This allows selecting the original images without having to open a new file, just click on history. If you have made a mistake during the process of editing, can choose the original image of the original image without the need to create a new file if a loss during the editing process is conducted.
2.Advantages Photoshop
Advantages of Adobe Photoshop is the 'filter' which can use the 'filter' existing to produce certain effects on the image, picture and design. Can install the 'filter plug-in' developed by other software development. Once installed, 'filter' will be displayed in the menu 'filter' along with 'filter' existing. In addition to the filters, layer facilities are provided to perform multiple tasks such as form, hide, display, copy and remove layer.
3. Designing Banner
Advantages of Adobe Photoshop is the 'filter' which can use the 'filter' existing to produce certain effects on the image, picture and design. Can install the 'filter plug-in' developed by other software development. Once installed, 'filter' will be displayed in the menu 'filter' along with 'filter' existing. In addition to the filters, layer facilities are provided to perform multiple tasks such as form, hide, display, copy and remove layer.
3. Designing Banner
Step - step to produce a custom banner is:
Step 1 : Open Photoshop
Step 1 : Open Photoshop
The picture shows Adobe Photoshop when open
Step 2 : Create file.
The picture shows how to crate file
Step 3 : Name and set height and width to banner
The picture shows Name to banner, 'Preset': 'Custom', 'Width': 945, 'Height': 300 in 'Pixel/Inch', 'Resolution' 72 ',Color mode' RGB Color 8 bit, and 'white background'.
The picture shows size settings
Step 4 : Banner sizes will be like this.
The starting surface banner
Step 5 : Set background
Enter 'background picture' for their banner as in the diagram below, as well as improve the position of the image.
The picture shows setting of banner background
Step 6 : Set pictures and posts displayed
Enter pictures like for application banner just add picture mobile, google play store, building follow by supervisor mention
The picture shows after edit banner for application mobile
Step 7 : How to save banner
Click to 'File' > click to 'Save As'>set 'File names'>'Save as type: JPEG'.
The picture shows how to save banner
Step 8 : Finish create banner
Finally, the banner successfully done and save as a picture.
The picture shows after save as a banner in PNG.
4.Among the examples of the invention banners